
Showing posts from 2020

Wiping out Covid-19?

I was blessed to be able to receive the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccination less than 48 hours after the first injection was given in Iowa. Though the unknowns of a new vaccine are very scary, I take it to protect myself and to help eradicate a virus that has killed thousands including many of my fellow nurses worldwide working on the front lines. 👩🏼‍⚕️💛👩🏻‍🔬 Update: less soreness in my left arm than I ever had with tetanus or flu shots. Next shot in 3 weeks.  

Restarting Again

Boy has it been a very long time since I sat down to post in Deb's Dabbles... so much has happened over the last years I hardly know where to begin but while listening to Chelsea Brennan’s podcast today I realized that it didn't matter WHERE I started I just HAD TO START!! I have and have had so much going on in my life and inside this crazy ecclectic head of mine that I need to tap into this creative outlet to share it even if it's for no one else except myself.  The last 5+ years have been a wild ride with  huge changes that have included going back to work prn then going through a divorce and returning to work full-time while having custody of the kids all but a couple weekends a month and trying to establish a new normal that some days feels too heavy or impossible to bear.  I've dabbled in remodeling my kitchen and getting the flooring in a number of rooms redone while also working on overhauling the paint throughout the house.  I even managed to get the roof re...